Friday, January 17, 2014

On my way

This day is finally here.  The day I return to Africa!  I have made it to JFK so far, just waiting for my connection to Accra, Ghana.  One more flight and I will be there!  I went to the airport nice and early this morning, leaving at 4:00am.  Being dropped off at the airport to fly to Africa for 6 months reminds me of being dropped off for your first day of school.  It begins with a tearful goodbye and some separation anxiety of all things familiar.  There is that moment of panic where you lose sight of your family.  You look around frantically, worried that they might have snuck off when you broke their gaze to ensure your box of crayons were still in place.  Your eyes scan the horizon to find them in plain sight; smiling, waving, convincing you all is well.  As the time comes for you to go inside, they wait, nodding in encouragement.  They smile a bittersweet smile, excited for the new possibilities you will face, sad that you are moving into a new phase of life.  Reluctantly, they wave goodbye with tear stained cheeks.  Your cheeks are salty as well with thoughts of home. 

                It’s exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.  Fear of getting lost in your scary, new world overwhelms you.  You approach the door timidly with the thought of school yard bullies clouding your head.  Africa holds a wide variety of school yard bullies, ranging from jiggers to corruption.  They are both frightening.

                You glance at the clock and it reads 8:00am.  The day is just beginning.  Your thoughts wander and a smile drifts onto your face.  You think about that moment when you hear the final bell, dash out the door, and see your family waiting on the other side.  You distribute hugs after what seems like an eternity.  You share a piggy bank full of stories that you have accumulated over the entirety of one day, content to be in their presence again.           

                The teacher begins her lesson and you are brought back to the reality of the new day.  You look around the room, excited to see who will become your best friend over the next 7 hours.  You miss your family, your familiarity, your home; but until 3 0’clock rolls around, there’s work to be done and adventures to be had.  You take all the love that your home has shown you and turn it into courage to venture off into your scary, new world; full of sloppy joes and possibilities. 


  1. Thought I had my composure back, and then I read this!

  2. The bravest people are not the ones brave enough to die, but the ones brave enough to live, and living is different than surviving.
